- The name Santiago means St. James
- The population in Santiago is 6 million - in Chile as a whole 16 million
- The oldest church in Santiago is the San Francisco Church which was finished in 1618 - two years before the pilgrims came to Plymouth Rock on the Mayflower. It is also the oldest building in Santiago.
- The Government Palace is called La Moneda (The Mint) which is what it was originally used for. It was built in 1805. It is now the Chilean equivalent to our White House, however it doesn't house the head of state. The President is "homeless". The Chilean government doesn't provide housing for the head of state so they choose where they live.
- The inflation rate in Chile for this year is NEGATIVE 0.1%.
Following that we saw the Chilean stock exchange as well as strolling along the Alemeda and the Paseo Ahumada.
We spent significant time at the Plaza de Armas - the city's historic center and what is said to be the actual center of the city. The first corner of the plaza brought us to this very interesting statue in honor of native americans. We understand that this caused no little controversy when it was erected. You can see the entire group in this picture. We also saw the statue of Santiago's founder Pero de Valdivia - pictured, of course, on a horse.
Thus concluded our tour of Santiago. We went back to the hotel and went our separate ways. Many went to the Patio Bellavista. This was a charming "town square" area with a number of restaurants and shops. One of the most fun, and tempting, was the crepe stand where we treated ourselves to crepes with fruit and chocolate or fruit and dulce de leche. What a great way to start a meal!
Professor Feldman my kids love this picture! :)